Traumatic brain injury has long-lasting mental health effects, but we need more robust science


Lorna Collins considers an umbrella review of health outcomes following traumatic brain injury, which highlights significant evidence gaps in the field.

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The risks arising from having ADHD: physical health, mental health, social and lifestyle

Skateboarding teenager

Jack Wainwright explores how ADHD can impact on all aspects of our lives, not just the three key symptom domains, but on our lifestyle, physical and mental health.

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ACT now for MND: acceptance and commitment therapy can improve quality of life for people with motor neuron disease

Acceptance and commitment therapy. Torn dark paper and speech bubble.

Dona Matthews summarises a recent trial which suggests that Acceptance and Commitment Therapy can maintain or improve quality of life for people with early stage motor neuron disease.

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Digital CBT can help people with depression or anxiety and comorbid long-term medical conditions


Stephanie Loukieh summarises the COMPASS trial, which presents promising results for digitally delivered CBT for depression and anxiety related to living with a long-term physical health condition.

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Mental health problems and admissions to hospital for accidents and injuries in the UK military


Ana Veic summarises a epidemiological study exploring the mental health problems and admissions to hospital for accidents and injuries in the UK military.

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Adverse childhood experiences increase the risk of juvenile reoffending


In Athena Chow’s debut blog, she summarises a systematic review and meta-analysis on the relationship between adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and risk of juvenile reoffending.

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Tuberculosis and depression: multimorbidities are a global health challenge


A team of experts from the Global NIHR Centre for IMPACT consider the findings of a recent meta review, which looks at the prevalence and risks of tuberculosis multimorbidity in low-income and middle-income countries.

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Psychotherapy presents hope for people in South Asia with depression and a non-communicable disease

Existing interventions for trauma may be limited or potentially harmful when applied to populations under ongoing threat, such as war or interpersonal violence.

A team of experts from the Global NIHR Centre for IMPACT consider the findings of a recent review, which looks at the effectiveness and implementation of psychological interventions for depression in people with non-communicable diseases in Pakistan and Bangladesh.

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Finding balance: managing diabetes and depression with physical activity

The therapeutic alliance benefited from a flexible combination of suicide risk assessment and therapeutic conversations.

Aliya Ayub explores a systematic review and meta-analysis on the effectiveness of physical activity interventions for the management of depression symptoms and glycaemic control in people with depression and type 2 diabetes.

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Is targeting loneliness the key to releasing people from entrapment and preventing suicide?


Liam Pikett summarises a cross-sectional study exploring the association of family, social and romantic loneliness with suicidal ideation and self-harm.

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