Suicide risk in transgender and gender diverse people


Talen Wright explores trends in suicide death risk among transgender people by drawing on findings from the Amsterdam Cohort of Gender Dysphoria Study.

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Inpatient care: identifying factors that influence the length of stay


In her debut blog, Sophia Pillai looks at a recent retrospective case-cohort study on patient and service-level factors affecting the length of inpatient stay in an acute mental health service.

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Hospital presentations for self-harm: a window of opportunity to prevent or treat psychosis and bipolar disorder

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Alison Clarke and Jo Robinson review a Finnish cohort study which suggests that hospital presentations for self-harm represent a clear opportunity for the identification and subsequent treatment of psychosis and bipolar disorder.

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Multimorbidity: does depression predict the onset of physical illness?


Lydia Poole reviews a recent Canadian study examining depression as a risk factor for physical illness and multimorbidity in a cohort with no prior comorbidity.

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Disclosing self-harm history: people’s attributes and risk factors


Holly Crudgington reviews a recent study from Manchester, which explores characteristics and risk of repetition in people who fail to report previous hospital presentations for self-harm.

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Loneliness linked to mid-life depression: can tackling loneliness help prevent depression in older people?


A group of students from the UCL MSc in Mental Health Studies summarise a study on the association between loneliness and depression among older adults.

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Mental disorders start early and vary across the lifespan: it’s time to pay attention to the whole person, and less to the diagnosis #IoPPNfestival


In her debut blog, Dona Matthews reviews a longitudinal cohort study by Caspi and Moffitt which explores how mental disorders and comorbidities have affected over one thousand people in New Zealand across four decades.

This Dunedin birth cohort study research will be presented by Prof Terrie Moffitt at the #IoPPNfestival later today.

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Living in anxious times? The rise of anxiety disorders in the UK


Alice Grishkov and Derek Tracy explore a recent paper, which finds that generalised anxiety disorder is on the rise in the UK, especially in young women.

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PTSD-related suicides can be prevented, but we have to act fast


Nada Abou Seif summarises a recent Swedish cohort study of 3.1 million people, which looks at suicide risk in people with post-traumatic stress disorder.

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Migration and the increased risk of compulsory psychiatric admission for psychosis


Zuva Dengu summarises a recent Swedish cohort study exploring migrant status and risk of compulsory admission at first diagnosis of psychotic disorder, which suggests that where you are from will influence your experience within psychiatric care.

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