Eating disorders more common in schools with more girls or more educated parents


Lucas Shelemy writes his debut Mental Elf blog about a paper by fellow Elf Helen Bould, which examines whether female student populations and higher levels of parental education are associated with changes in eating disorders prevalence.

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Increased vulnerability of migrants: non-affective psychosis in Sweden


Mina Fazel considers the findings of a new Swedish cohort study, which looks at the risk of schizophrenia and other non-affective psychoses in refugee migrants and non-refugee migrants from across three continents.

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Do happy people live longer?


Mark Horowitz looks at the prospective UK Million Women Study and wonders if happiness itself has a directly impact on mortality.

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Does teenage cannabis use lower intelligence?


Ian Hamilton presents his debut blog on a recent prospective cohort study on the relationship between teenage cannabis use, IQ and educational attainment.

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Childhood bullying and mental illness in young adulthood

The risk of psychotic experiences was found to be increased for both self-reported bullies and victims at age 8 and 10.

Jasmin Wertz appraises a recent Finnish cohort study, which explores how different forms of children’s bullying involvement are associated with mental illness and use of specialised psychiatric services in young adulthood.

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Biological pathways, antipsychotics and schizophrenia


Murtada Alsaif summarises a small cohort study that uses shotgun mass spectrometry proteomic profiling to unravel the molecular pathways involved with antipsychotic response in people with schizophrenia.

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Childhood sleep disturbance and risk of psychotic experiences


Joanne Wallace explores the relationship between nightmares/night terrors at age 12 with psychotic experiences at age 18, which has been confirmed by a recent UK birth cohort study.

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Method switching in self-harm has implications for service design and risk management


Katrina Witt publishes her debut blog on a new cohort study from the Multi-Centre Monitoring of Self-Harm Project, which investigates switching methods of self-harm at repeat episodes.

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Stimulants reduce risk of injuries in children with ADHD


Joff Jones highlights an important public health finding from a recent prospective cohort study about the effect of stimulant drugs on the risk of injuries in children with ADHD.

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The scars of modern slavery: trafficked people with severe mental illness


Yesterday was #AntiSlaveryDay, so today we are publishing a blog by Mina Fazel who considers the findings of an historical cohort study in the Lancet Psychiatry, which explores the characteristics of trafficked people with severe mental illness.

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