Hormonal coil dosage and depression risk


Dr Rachel Reid-McCann discusses the latest research on dosage of levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system (LNG-IUS) and the risk of depression. A well conducted study from Denmark “provides evidence of a dose-dependent association between LNG exposure and risk of subsequent depression across three dosages”.

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Patterns of inflammation in childhood and mental and cardiometabolic disorders in adulthood: mapping the trajectories


Ruby Tsang summarises a recent longitudinal study of trajectories of inflammation in youth and risk of mental and cardiometabolic disorders in adulthood, which finds that high levels of inflammation in childhood may be linked to an increased risk of psychosis, depression and insulin resistance in early adulthood.

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Adolescents are more sensitive to social media feedback


Nora Skjerdingstad presents a recent study that the explores the constant feedback we encounter on social media platforms, and the impact that ‘likes’ can have on adults and young people.

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HRT associated with reduced risk of psychosis relapse in middle-age women


Laura Naysmith summarises a study of menopausal hormone therapy (also known as HRT), which suggests the treatment is linked with reduce the risk of psychosis relapse in menopausal women.

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Will this ADHD medication help my patient? Bridging the gap between efficacy and effectiveness


Shuichi Suetani blogs a new study published today in The Lancet Psychiatry, which suggests that those patients who might benefit most from evidence-based guidance are the least represented in clinical trials about ADHD medication. Is it time to reconsider the value we place on RCTs when they do not include the vast majority of people who need help?

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Is short sleep linked to risk of psychosis and could inflammation be a factor?

A sleeping child

Amy Ferguson summarises a recent study published by researchers in Birmingham, which suggests that persistent shorter sleep in childhood may increase the risk of psychotic experiences.

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How has the hostile environment policy worsened the mental health of people from minoritised ethnic groups?

LONDON, UK -20 MAY 2017- Sign for the UK Border at London Heathrow International Airport (LHR).  The UK and European Union  countries have separate passport control and immigration lanes.

Briony Tatem considers a study in The Lancet, which explores the effect of immigration policy reform on mental health in people from minoritised ethnic groups in England, using longitudinal data from the UK Household Longitudinal Study cohort.

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ARFID outcomes: new research suggests that avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder is a persistent and distinct eating disorder


Georgie Parker summarises a prospective 2-year longitudinal cohort study investigating the course and predictors of outcome in avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID) in young people.

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Cause of death in people with bipolar disorder: how can we prevent premature mortality and reduce the mortality gap?


A group of UCL MSc students summarise a cohort study in BMJ Mental Health, which suggests that we have previously underestimated the contribution of external causes of death such as accidents or suicides.

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