Caries Prevention: review suggests that education training and fairer payments would increase prevention delivered by dentists


Seven qualitative studies and 41 surveys were included in this qualitative metasummary of factors that increase or decrease dentists delivery of caries prevention. While the surveys in particular, are of questionable quality some commonality emerges that further education and training coupled with a fairer pay scheme would be a reasonable approach to change the balance in favor of the provision of dental caries preventive measures by dentists

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Peri-implantitis: little evidence that particular non-surgical treatments are better than debridement alone


This Bayesian network meta-analysis only included 11 small studies of overall low quality. While the greatest reduction in PPD was seen with debridement in conjunction with antibiotics the difference are small so it is difficult to conclude that any particular non-surgical treatment for peri-implantitis performs better than debridement alone

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Tricyclic antidepressants for ADHD in children and adolescents: Cochrane review finds no evidence to support prescribing


Helge Hasselman summarises a Cochrane review of tricyclic antidepressants for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children and adolescents, which finds low quality evidence and no justification for prescribing these drugs in this group of patients.

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Efficacy of high vs. low-potency first-generation antipsychotics for schizophrenia

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Laurence Palfreyman summarises 3 recent Cochrane reviews, which investigate high-potency versus low-potency first-generation antipsychotic drugs for schizophrenia. The reviews find little difference in efficacy between the high-potency antipsychotics Trifluoperazine, Haloperidol, Fluphenazine, and low-potency typical antipsychotics.

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Fixed functional appliances for treatment of skeletal class II malocclusion


This review of fixed functional appliances for the treatment of class II malocclusions could only find 11 small studies with methodological problems to assess the effectiveness of this approach. Some benefit was noted but larger higher quality studies are needed.

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Behçet’s disease: review found insufficient evidence to support or refute interventions for oral ulceration


This review focuses on the treatment of oral ulceration in Behçet’s disease, 15 trials examining 13 different interventions were found. There was insufficient evidence to support or refute the use of any included intervention with regard to pain, episode duration, or episode frequency associated with oral ulcers, or safety of the interventions.

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Chin cup treatment for class III maloclussions: little evidence to assess impact on temporomandibular joint


This review focuses on the effect of chin cup therapy used for treating class III malocclusion on the TMJ.On 8 low quality studies could be included and they suggest suggests that chin cup therapy affects the condylar growth pattern but constitutes no risk factor for TMD.

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Toothbrushing: review finds association between infrequent brushing and periodontitis


One of the aims of regular daily toothbrushing is to remove plaque as it is an important risk factor for caries an periodontal diseases. This new review looks at the evidence related to frequency of brushing and periodontal disease. Only 14 observational studies were included and these suggest that irregular brushing is associated with more severe periodontal disease.

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Low level laser therapy: review suggests it reduces mucositis in patients undergoing cancer treatment


A 2011 Cochrane review found weak evidence from 5 studies that low energy laser therapy (LLLT) may be beneficial in preventing severe mucositis. This new review included 18 studies and found that low level laser therapy reduced overall risk of severe mucositis.

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Mandibular fractures: review finds no difference in postoperative complications between locking and non-locking plates


Today we look at a review that was comparing the clinical outcomes between locking and non-locking plates for the fixation of fractures mandibles. The review identified 10 studies, 8 of which were at high risk of bias. They found that there was no difference in the level of post operative complications between teh different approaches.

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