Dental Implants: submerged implants have fewer failures than immediate loaded non-submerged implants suggests review


While this new review has included 28 studies, only 6 were RCTs. They found that submerged dental implants had fewer failures than immediate loaded non-submerged implants. The relative risk of failure for immediately loaded compared to submerged implants = 1.78 (95% CI; 1.12 to 2.83).

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Diagnostic test accuracy of first rank symptoms for schizophrenia


Raphael Underwood summarises a recently updated Cochrane systematic review, which aimed to systematically evaluate the accuracy of first rank symptoms for diagnosing schizophrenia.

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Xylitol gum reduced mutans streptococci transmission


This review identified 5 trials reported in 11 publications and found that the chewing of xylitol gum by mothers significantly reduced transmission of mutans streptococci to their children. However the effects on caries were inconsistent.

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Compulsory community treatment results in no significant difference in service use, social functioning or quality of life


Rebecca Syed appraises and summarises an updated Cochrane review of compulsory community treatment and involuntary outpatient treatment for people with severe mental disorders. The review finds just 3 trials, which show that CCT results in no significant difference in service use, social functioning or quality of life.

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Parent Infant Psychotherapy: a gap in the evidence


Paul Ramchandani assesses the latest Cochrane review on Parent Infant Psychotherapy for improving parental and infant mental health, which finds little evidence to support the claim that PIP is an evidence-based treatment.

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Congenital bleeding disorders and dental extractions


This Cochrane review looked at the effectiveness of haemostatic regimens for patients with bleeding disorders. Two small trials involving 59 patients demonstrated the efficacy of antifibrinolytic agents acid in people with bleeding disorders having dental extractions.

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Pharmacotherapies for reducing cannabis dependence


Kathryn Walsh reports on a recent Cochrane systematic review of pharmacotherapies for cannabis dependence, which concludes that there is a lack of evidence for all medications reviewed.

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Reducing alcohol consumption in illicit drug users: new Cochrane review on psychotherapies


Olivia Maynard reports on a recent Cochrane review that investigates talking therapies for reducing alcohol consumption in illicit drug users. The reviewers found no differences in the effectiveness of different psychotherapies (motivational interviewing, brief interventions, CBT) and insufficient evidence to draw any meaningful conclusions.

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Helping people with depression return to work


Meg Fluharty reports on a new Cochrane review of interventions to improve return to work in depressed people. The review finds moderate quality evidence for a range of work-directed and clinical interventions that can help people with depression return to work.

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