Root resorption – no evidence for the effectiveness of available treatments


This Cochrane review was seeking to identify RCTs of interventions for the management of external root resorption in permanent teeth. No published trials were identified, so clinicians must decide on the most appropriate means of managing this condition according to their clinical experience with regard to patient-related factors.

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Little research on non-surgical interventions to accelerate orthodontic treatment

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With orthodontic treatment lasting typically 18-24 months, adjunts to accelerate tooth movements would be welcome. This Cochrane review identified two RCTs on non-surgical interventions to accelerate orthodontic treatment. However, both studies were at high risk of bias, so we cannot rely on their findings.

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CBT plus taper may help reduce short-term benzodiazepine use


John Baker summarises a recent Cochrane systematic review of psychosocial interventions for benzodiazepine harmful use, abuse or dependence.

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Oral Appliances improve obstructive sleep apnoea symptoms


This review of the use of oral appliances for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnoea identified 17 trials, all but one of which wере randomised. The results suggest significant benefits in respiration and sleep quality, compared to placebo devices or blank control.

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Breastfeeding and caries risk


63 studies were included in the review of the association between breastfeeding and caries. The majority (73%) were cross-sectional. The findings suggest that breastfeeding up to 12 months of age is not associated with an increased risk of dental caries and in fact may offer some protection compared with formula.

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Low quality evidence that periodontal treatment improves glycaemic control in diabetics


This update of a 2010 Cochrane review found low quality evidence that periodontal treatment involving scaling and root planing does improve glycaemic control in people with diabetes, with a mean percentage reduction in HbA1c of 0.29% at 3-4 months, but there is insufficient evidence to demonstrate that this is maintained after 4 months.

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No high quality evidence of treatments for keratocyst


While there are a number of reviews of treatment options for the keratocystic odontogenic tumour (KCOT), this update of a Cochrane review could identify no relevant RCTs of treatment options. So there is a clear need for well designed and conducted randomised controlled trials to evaluate treatments for KCOTs.

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Micro-invasive treatments can slow caries progression

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8 trials involving a total of 365 patients were included in this Cochrane review of micro-invasive treatments for proximal caries. Micro-invasive treatment significantly reduced the odds of lesion progression compared with non-invasive treatment (e.g fluoride varnish) or oral hygiene advice (e.g to floss) OR=0.24, (95% CI; 0.14 to 0.41).

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Psychotherapies for depression and anxiety in dementia

The study highlighted a lack of evidence about what CMHT services work for older people.

Clarissa Giebel summarises a recent systematic review that investigates the effectiveness of various psychotherapies (CBT, interpersonal therapy, counselling) for depression and anxiety in people with dementia or mild cognitive impairment.

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Periodontitis- full mouth disinfection or quadrant scaling?

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13 small RCTs were identified for this review, comparing full mouth interventions with quadrant scaling for periodontitis. Limited evidence of a small benefit was found in two comparisons.

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