Bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw treatments– little evidence available


This Cochrane review of bisphosphonate related osteonecrosis of the jaw only identified one small RCT. The trial compared the use of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) as an adjunct to standard care. While it suggested a benefit for HBO it was under powered and at high riisk of bias

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Statins for dementia prevention: well-tolerated, but Cochrane highlight lack of evidence


Rosalyn Nelson summarises a recently updated Cochrane systematic review of statins for dementia prevention, which finds no evidence to support their use.

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Periodontal disease and glycaemic control in diabetics


11 systematic reviews were included in this overview of review of periodontal disease and glycaemic control in diabetics. The primary studies that underlying these systematic reviews have important limitations. Therefore larger higher quality studies are needed.

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Little evidence for antibiotic use in irreversible pulpitis

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This is the latest update of this Cochrane review of the effectiveness of antibiotics for irreversible pulpitis. Only 1 small RCTs is available which provides insufficient evidence to determine whether antibiotics reduce pain or not compared to not having antibiotics

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Transcranial magnetic stimulation for schizophrenia


Joanne Wallace considers the findings of a new Cochrane systematic review on Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) for schizophrenia.

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Periodontal therapy may increase the efficiency of H. pylori eradication


7 small studies are included in this Cochrane review which suggests that adjunctive periodontal therapy helps increase the efficiency of H. pylori eradication. OR = 2.15 (95%CI; 1.47 to 3.14)

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Root canal disinfection –sodium hypochlorite or chlorhexidine as an irrigant?


This review only identified 5 small studies that provided insufficient evidence to compare outcomes using sodium hypochlorite and chlorhexidine for root canal disinfection. Additional high quality RCTs are required.

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Root canal treatment – no differences between single or multiple visit approaches


This RCT found no differences between single and multiple visit root canal treatment outcomes at 18 months Success rates for single visit treatments were 88.9% compared with 87.4% for multiple visits

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Orthodontic retention – little high quality evidence to recommend any one approach to over another

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15 studies involving 1722 patients were included in this Cochrane review update on orthodontic retention. However, there was insufficient high quality evidence to make recommendations on retention procedures.

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Omega-3 fatty acids for depression: Cochrane find insufficient evidence to support use


Lisa Burscheidt summarises a recent Cochrane systematic review of Omega-3 fatty acids for depression in adults, which finds a lack of evidence to determine the effects of n-3PUFAs as a treatment for major depressive disorder.

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