Barriers to mental health services among British Bangladeshi men


Elisha Joshi considers a qualitative study focusing on the experiences of British Bangladeshi men accessing mental health support in the UK.

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Exploring people’s experiences of psychotherapy for self-harm: the importance of the therapeutic alliance


Hannah Wallace summarises a systematic review exploring people’s experiences of psychotherapy for self-harming behaviours, which highlights the importance of therapeutic rapport and the clinical competencies that support developing a good relationship between clinicians and service users.

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Do therapist factors have an impact on PTSD outcomes in children and adolescents?


In his debut blog, Sam Thompson explores a paper that looks into the associations between therapist factors and treatment efficacy in randomised controlled trials of trauma‐focused CBT for children and youth with PTSD.

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Vicarious trauma: how does working with trauma survivors affect therapists?


Sahra Tekin and Jo Billings summarise a meta-ethnographic review of qualitative studies looking at vicarious trauma in therapists working with survivors of trauma.

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Whiteness in clinical psychology: how do white female psychologists perceive whiteness?


Humma Andleeb reviews a qualitative paper on deconstructing Whiteness in Clinical Psychology and how White female clinical psychologists perceive whiteness in the profession.

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