Incredible Years Teacher Classroom Management: STARS trial suggests benefits for children’s mental health

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Neil Humphrey is impressed by the STARS cluster randomised controlled trial published today in Psychological Medicine, which evaluates the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the Incredible Years Teacher Classroom Management programme in primary school children.

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Improving mental health literacy in the classroom: new HeadStrong RCT


Lisa Burscheidt reports on an RCT of the Headspace mental health literacy intervention and the impact it has on the mental health literacy, stigma, help-seeking and mental health of a group of young people in Australia.

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New BMJ RCT finds that preventing depression in adolescents, with classroom-based CBT, may do more harm than good


The prevalence of depression goes up sharply in mid-adolescence and it’s estimated that by age 19 up to 20% of people will have suffered from at least one episode of clinical depression. So it makes sense that prevention programmes should be targeted at young people in schools, and indeed, published research has shown that classroom-based [read the full story…]