Olivia McGowan examines an Australian cross-sectional study on the impact of prolonged visa insecurity on asylum-seeking children, which indicates links to poorer mental health.
[read the full story...]Can rights-based practitioner-research contribute to both civic inclusion and inform the social care evidence-base?
The paper sets out and examines the impact of a local project called Promote the Vote running in West Yorkshire.
[read the full story...]Interventions to improve social circumstances among people with mental health conditions
Andy Bell summarises work by the Mental Health Policy and Research Unit looking at improving the social circumstances of people with mental health conditions. The study finds the most robust and compelling evidence available relates to gaining paid employment and tackling homelessness.
[read the full story...]Barriers to citizenship for people living with mental health problems
In their debut blog, Nagina Khan and Subodh Dave review a qualitative paper exploring the barriers to citizenship that people with mental health problems face.
[read the full story...]“Queer in the head”? Do LGB people in the UK have poorer mental health? #LGBTHM17
At the start of LGBT History Month, Sarah Carr presents some recent research into sexual orientation and symptoms of common mental disorder or low wellbeing.
[read the full story...]Study suggests people with learning disabilities are contributing to Partnership Boards, but more could be done
Learning Disability Partnership Boards have been in operation since 2001. They were established as a result of the Valuing People White Paper to oversee inter-agency planning and service development. Pivotal to their creation was the fact that the partnership had to involve a range of stakeholders, including service users, carers, and representatives from all the [read the full story…]