Childhood neglect: the neglected trauma? 


Dhea Bengardi summarises a systematic review exploring the prevalence of different types of neglect across a wide variety of mental health conditions.

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Prisonization: how does prison impact on the mental health of prisoners? Insights from Norway


Verity Wainwright explores a qualitative study from Norway, which looks into prisoners understanding of mental health and the prison environment.

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What relationship do stressful life events, neglect and abuse have with functional neurological disorder (conversion disorder)?


Mark Edwards considers the findings of a new meta-analysis of case-control studies, which looks at the relationship between stressful life events, neglect and abuse with functional neurological disorder.

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Childhood adversity and bipolar disorder


Jasmin Wertz presents the findings of a recent systematic review and meta-analysis that explores the relationship between childhood adversity and bipolar disorder.

[read the full story...]

Review reiterates that certain features of dental neglect are clearly identifiable


Sadly child mistreatment, including abuse and neglect are a reality in society.  In the UK, dental neglect has been defined as,  ‘‘the persistent failure to meet a child’s basic oral health needs, likely to result in the serious impairment of a child’s oral or general health and development’’.  The aim of this review was to identify [read the full story…]