How important is understanding perfectionism for reducing depression and anxiety? #BABCP2022


Alice Potter considers a meta-synthesis of qualitative studies on the link between anxiety, depression, and perfectionism in young people, and the implications for treatment.

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Technology-based CBT for youth anxiety: moderate short-term benefits but uncertainty remains #CAMHScampfire

Young people with anxiety disorders may benefit from t-CBT in the short term.

Douglas Badenoch takes a look at a recent systematic review on technology-delivered CBT for anxiety disorders in children below 18 years of age.

Join us around the #CAMHScampfire on Tuesday 24th May to discuss this paper with the author and a group of experts.

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Culturally responsive practices for supporting refugee adolescents’ acculturation through schools


Sadhbh Byrne reviews a qualitative study exploring the role of culturally responsive social and emotional learning in supporting the inclusion and belonging of refugee children and young people.

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Self-disclosure and social media: review identifies two-way relationship with mental health #ActiveIngredientsMH


Pattie Gonsalves explores the relationship between self-disclosure of mental health and wellbeing in young people, by summarising a recent review on self-disclosure and social media, and also presenting findings from a new review on self-disclosure as an active ingredient in interventions for youth anxiety and depression.

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School connectedness, anxiety and depression: recent evidence and young people’s perspectives #ActiveIngredientsMH


In their debut blog, Monika Raniti and Divyangana Rakesh explore the relationship between school connectedness, anxiety and depression in young people.

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Does targeting attention and interpretation patterns reduce symptoms of youth anxiety and depression? #ActiveIngredientsMH

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Alice Potter summarises a Wellcome Trust funded active ingredients review, which looks at how promoting helpful attention and interpretation patterns may reduce anxiety and depression in young people.

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Psychological interventions for youth depression and anxiety can improve emotion regulation skills #ActiveIngredientsMH


In her debut blog, Ariadna Albajara Saenz summarises a recent active ingredients review, which finds that psychological interventions for youth anxiety & depression can improve emotion regulation skills.

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The experiences of young LGBTQ+ people self-managing their mental health


Natalie Kashirsky critiques a recent qualitative study which looks at LGBTQ+ young people’s experiences and perceptions of self-managing their mental health.

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Remote measurement technologies for depression in young people: scalable solution or overplayed potential? #ActiveIngredientsMH

Young African American man pointing his  smartphone screen - Black teenager people

In her debut blog, Annabel Walsh summarises her #ActiveIngredientsMH project which explored the use of remote measurement technologies for depression in children and young people.

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Psychoeducation for perinatal depression and anxiety in young people #ActiveIngredientsMH


In their debut blog, Wezi Mhango & Darya Gaysina explore psychoeducation as an active ingredient that might help young people who are affected by perinatal anxiety or depression.

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