Amphetamines and methylphenidate for paediatric ADHD: meta-analysis of n-of-1 trials


Samuele Cortese publishes his debut Mental Elf blog on a meta-analysis of n-of-1 trials, which shows that amphetamine derivatives and methylphenidate are superior to placebo, in the short term, for paediatric ADHD.

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Street connected children and youth: causes of homelessness in developed and developing countries


Laura Hemming reports on a recent systematic review and meta-analysis, which explores the causes of child and youth homelessness in developed and developing countries.

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Smokescreen: smoking in the movies and initiation of smoking in adolescents

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Sally Adams on a new systematic review and meta-analysis which suggests that smoking imagery in films may increase the risk of smoking initiation in young people.

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Mental health literacy: can it be taught to teenagers?


Jasmin Wertz reports on a recent Canadian cluster RCT, which studies the impact of a mental health curriculum for high school students on knowledge and stigma.

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Economic impact of youth mental health services in the UK


Alastair Canaway and Chris Sampson look at a new PSSRU report on youth mental health services in the UK, and how they affect health, education and employment.

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Parenting interventions for children with severe attachment problems


Jasmin Wertz summarises a systematic review of the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of parenting interventions for children with severe attachment problems.

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Self-harm in young people: how can we support parents and families?


Olivia Kirtley summarises an important new qualitative study that explores the impact of self-harm in young people on their parents and families.

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Alcohol and tobacco in YouTube music videos: young female teenagers most exposed

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Sally Adams charts the presence of tobacco and alcohol in YouTube music videos and considers the impact that this content has on adults and young people in Britain.

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Antidepressants: benefits and harms in children and adults


Samei Huda discusses the findings of a recent review into suicidality and aggression during antidepressant treatment. The systematic review and meta-analyses were based on clinical study reports and included some important adverse effects of antidepressants in children and young people.

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