Antecedents of depression in children and young people


Emily Stapley summarises a recent 4-year longitudinal study of the antecedents of new-onset major depressive disorder in children and adolescents at high familial risk.

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Targeting unhelpful repetitive negative thinking in young people to prevent anxiety and depression


Michelle Moulds publishes her debut blog on a recent randomised controlled trial about the prevention of anxiety disorders and depression by targeting excessive worry, rumination and repetitive negative thinking in young adults.

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Early life deprivation, neurodevelopment, mental health and resilience: ERA study


André Tomlin summarises the latest instalment of the ERA (English and Romanian Adoptees) study, which explores the neurodevelopmental and mental health trajectories of Romanian orphans who experienced severe levels of early life deprivation.

Today’s blog features a podcast interview with lead author of the ERA study: Professor Edmund Sonuga-Barke.

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Psychotherapies for depression in children and adolescents: all of equal IMPACT?


Jasmin Wertz summarises the recently published IMPACT trial, which found that CBT, short-term psychoanalytical psychotherapy and brief psychosocial interventions (psychoeducation) were all equally effective in treating depression in children and young people.

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Cochrane find insufficient evidence to support the implementation of depression prevention programmes


Ioana Cristea summarises the latest Cochrane review on CBT, third-wave CBT and IPT based interventions for preventing depression in children and adolescents

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Digital health for young people with mental health problems: silver bullet or red herring?


Victoria Betton on a recent meta review of digital health interventions for children and young people with mental health problems. The question is, does the evidence square with her experience of what actually happens in practice?

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Parent training works for child and adolescent mental health


Tony McGinn presents a high-level overview of the state of parent training evidence. His blog draws on over 30 systematic reviews with meta-analyses, to bring you a handy summary of what works.

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Childhood adversity and bipolar disorder


Jasmin Wertz presents the findings of a recent systematic review and meta-analysis that explores the relationship between childhood adversity and bipolar disorder.

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Mental health support for children with learning disabilities


In her debut blog, Christine Burke from the Mental Health Foundation considers what good mental health support should look like for children and young people with learning disabilities.

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Childhood traumatic brain injuries predict risk of poor long-term outcomes


Eleanor Kennedy reports on a nationwide Swedish cohort study, which finds that traumatic brain injury consistently predicted later risk of premature mortality, psychiatric inpatient admission, psychiatric outpatient visits, disability pension, welfare recipiency and low educational attainment.

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