Preventing anxiety disorders in young people at risk


Belinda Platt reports on a recent systematic review and meta-analysis looking at the prevention of anxiety disorders in at-risk children and adolescents.

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Brief, intensive and concentrated CBT for anxiety disorders in children


Simon Brett summarises a recent systematic review of brief, intensive and concentrated cognitive behavioural therapy for anxiety disorders in children, which finds some promising results for this more focused approach to care.

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Suicide-related internet searches following the release of 13 Reasons Why

Suicidal Feelings Typed into search bar on Google homepage

Angharad de Cates, Alys Cole-King and Stan Kutcher explore a quasi-experimental examination of internet search results, which suggests that the Netflix series 13 Reasons Why has both increased suicide awareness while unintentionally increasing suicidal ideation.

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Mental health apps for young people: an evidence-free zone?


Natalie Nelissen from mHabitat publishes her debut elf blog on a recent systematic review of mental health apps for young people, which highlights the current dearth of reliable research to support the efficacy and safety of mobile apps.

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Mindfulness in schools: what next?


Jennifer Hanratty summarises the recent Campbell review on mindfulness-based interventions for improving cognition, academic achievement, behaviour and socioemotional functioning in schools. She considers what school leaders, researchers and policy makers should do next, considering the current uncertainty around mindfulness in schools.

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Trauma-related childhood hospital admission linked with self-harm and violent crime in young adults


Emily Stapley summarises a recent Danish national cohort study, which looks at self-harm and violent criminality among young people who experienced trauma-related childhood hospital admission.

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Cyberbullying: comparatively rare, not especially damaging or pernicious


Shirley Reynolds reports on a recent population-based cross-sectional study that surveyed 1 in 5 of all 15 year olds in England, to ask them about bullying, cyberbullying and adolescent well-being.

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iCBT for OCD in young people: study suggests it’s cost-effective, but more research needed


Alastair Canaway on a recent RCT that looks at the cost-effectiveness of therapist-guided internet-delivered cognitive behaviour therapy for paediatric obsessive–compulsive disorder.

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Parenting factors associated with adolescent alcohol misuse


Natasha Clarke considers a systematic review and meta-analysis of longitudinal studies, which looks at modifiable parenting factors associated with adolescent alcohol misuse.

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Right People, Right Questions: new survey on young people’s mental health #youngpeopleMHQ

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Today we are announcing a major new survey that will help prioritise research questions for young people’s mental health over the coming years. The Right People, Right Questions project is about looking for your unanswered questions on young people’s mental health that can be answered by research. We want to hear from 11-25 year olds with experience of mental health issues, their parents or carers, if you work with young people, or if you have another interest in the mental health of young people.

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