Who gets bullied? Using genetic information to identify individual vulnerabilities


Lucy Bowes explores a multi-polygenic score approach to identifying individual vulnerabilities associated with the risk of bullying, which suggests that depression, ADHD, risk taking, BMI and intelligence are independently associated with exposure to bullying.

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Referrals to mental health services: understanding ethnic differences


A group of UCL Masters Students summarise a recent paper on ethnic differences in referral routes to child and adolescent mental health services.

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Poor school attendance and anxiety: what’s the link?


Lucinda Powell summarises a recent systematic review about the association between anxiety and poor attendance at school, which suggests links between anxiety and unexcused absences/truancy, and school refusal.

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Can PTSD in refugees affect their children’s well-being via harsher parenting styles?


David Turgoose writes his debut elf blog on a longitudinal cohort study, which looks at the effect of post-traumatic stress disorder on refugees’ parenting and their children’s mental health.

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Depression in young people: are we researching what matters most?


Tamsin Ford asks what outcomes count, when it comes to measuring adolescent depression?

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Community supported discharge service for teenagers leaving psychiatric hospital


Robyn Murphy summarises an RCT that compares the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of an intensive community supported discharge service versus treatment as usual for adolescents with psychiatric emergencies.

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What’s the relationship between adolescent depression and adult depression?


Katie Finning writes her debut elf blog on a recent systematic review which looks at adult mental health outcomes of adolescent depression; including depression, anxiety and suicidality in adults.

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Cognitive biases in adolescent depression: the more you have, the worse you feel


Maria Loades explores a cross-sectional study of the combined influence of cognitions in adolescent depression, which investigates biases of interpretation, self-evaluation and memory, and concludes that a negative evaluation of the self is strongly associated with depression severity and with a diagnosis of depression.

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Alternatives to medication for children and young people with ADHD


Joff Jones summarises a recent systematic review, which looks at the evidence for a wide range of non-pharmacological treatments for ADHD. The review finds the strongest evidence for diet, child/parent training and behavioural interventions.

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How can we prevent depression in young adults?


Mental Health Masters Students from UCL explore a recent systematic review and meta-analysis of interventions to prevent depression in young adults. The review finds some evidence for the effectiveness of preventative interventions in reducing depressive symptoms in young adults, but the evidence in this area remains weak.

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