Lottie Shipp appraises a qualitative study that explored young people’s experiences of their sibling being admitted to a mental health inpatient unit.
[read the full story...]Are crisis responses for children and young people effective?
Beth Cumber summarises the CAMH‐Crisis project – a large systematic review exploring crisis response interventions for children and young people, with a focus on effectiveness, lived experiences and service organisation.
[read the full story...]How can we make children and young people’s mental health care more evidence-based?
In her debut blog, Robyn Bosworth summarises a systematic review investigating the barriers and facilitators of implementing evidence-based practice into mental health services for children and young people.
[read the full story...]Climate change, young people, and parents: what the papers say about eco-anxiety #COP26 #CAMHScampfire
In his debut blog, Sam McKay explores a review of newspaper articles which identifies several narratives about how young people feel about climate change.
Follow #CAMHScampfire on Twitter at 5pm GMT on Tuesday 9th November for an online journal club discussing these papers. Or sign up now to join the free webinar hosted by ACAMH.
[read the full story...]Can we teach schools how to improve care for young people who self-harm? #CAMHScampfire
Douglas Badenoch appraises and summarises a recent systematic review of experimental studies, which looks at whether school staff training can improve responses to pupils who self-harm.
Follow #CAMHScampfire on Twitter at 5pm BST on Monday 26th April for an online journal club discussing this paper. Or sign up now to join the free webinar hosted by ACAMH.
[read the full story...]Hearing voices: experiences of children and young people #CAMHScampfire
Hearing voices is common in young people. In this #CAMHScampfire blog, Douglas Badenoch looks at a new qualitative study of the experiences of people aged 13-18 who hear voices but who do not have any clinical diagnosis.
[read the full story...]Are clinicians’ attitudes to technology stopping children and adolescents from accessing mental health care?
In her debut blog, Lindsay Dewa explores a mixed-methods survey, which found that clinicians’ attitudes to technology may stop young people from accessing mental health care.
[read the full story...]Recovery narratives by young people with mental health difficulties
Lorna Collins reviews a qualitative study on how young people with mental health difficulties perceive and define recovery and their personal journey.
[read the full story...]A picture tells a thousand words, or does it? Photography and youth mental health
Laura Caven and Chris O’Sullivan summarise a recent qualitative study on young people’s experiences and perceptions of mental health and well-being through photography.
[read the full story...]Poor school attendance and anxiety: what’s the link?
Lucinda Powell summarises a recent systematic review about the association between anxiety and poor attendance at school, which suggests links between anxiety and unexcused absences/truancy, and school refusal.
[read the full story...]