Kalya Win Aung, Angela Kibia and Dorothy Williams consider a systematic review and network meta-analysis published by the Lancet Psychiatry on psychological and psychosocial interventions for treatment-resistant schizophrenia.
[read the full story...]Can therapeutic alliance help prevent suicide in people with psychosis?
Melanie Lafanechere and Dafni Katsampa summarise a study on the therapeutic alliance and suicidal experiences in people with psychosis receiving Cognitive Behavioural Suicide Prevention Therapy.
[read the full story...]The Trial: pharmacotherapy versus psychotherapy for schizophrenia – how do trials compare?
Keith Laws looks at a systematic review of patient and study characteristics, which asks: are randomised controlled trials on pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy for positive symptoms of schizophrenia comparable?
[read the full story...]Third wave CBT for psychosis: how reliable is current evidence?
Keith Laws explores a recent meta-analysis of third wave CBT for psychosis, which suggests we need better evidence about the safety and efficacy of mindfulness, acceptance-based therapy, compassion-focused therapy and other third wave approaches.
[read the full story...]#UnderstandingPsychosis?
Sameer Jauhar and Paul Morrison consider the revised Understanding Psychosis and Schizophrenia report from the British Psychological Society Division of Clinical Psychology, which includes updated sections on definitions, aetiology and treatment.
[read the full story...]CBTp changes the brain’s wiring? Extraordinary claims, ordinary evidence
Keith Laws and Samei Huda are not impressed by a study on brain connectivity changes following CBT for psychosis, which received a significant amount of press coverage when it was published back in January.
[read the full story...]CBTp and medication in the treatment of psychosis: summarising the best evidence
Clive Adams presents a summary of the latest evidence for CBTp and medication in the treatment of psychosis. This blog was published alongside Clive’s talk at the Understanding Psychosis and Schizophrenia conference in Bath on 11 June 2015
[read the full story...]Understanding Psychosis and Schizophrenia: a critique by Laws, Langford and Huda
Keith Laws, Alex Langford and Samei Huda provide a critique of the British Psychological Society Division of Clinical Psychology report published today.
[read the full story...]Is the Dodo finally dead?
There’s been a lot of chatter here in the woodlands about the role of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) in psychosis – what do service users think of it? Can it be used in place of antipsychotics for some people? Outside of the woodlands, CBT for psychosis has also been generating a lot of attention: Does [read the full story…]
Service user perspectives on individual CBT for psychosis
I have been procrastinating about writing this blog for a while. This is, in part, caused by hesitancy about involving myself in the CBT for psychosis (CBTp) debate. Regular readers of the Mental Elf will be aware that in recent months Jauhar and colleagues presented results of a meta-analysis that called into question the effectiveness [read the full story…]