Beating the odds in recovery: does employment support benefit the outcomes of psychological therapy?


Lucy Chilton and Sarah Watts summarise a case-control study looking at the effectiveness of employment support in combination with psychological therapies within NHS Talking Therapies.

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What impact has the Russian invasion had on youth mental health in Ukraine?


In his debut blog, Tyler Elliot considers a case-control study focusing on the impact of the Russian invasion on the mental health of adolescents in Ukraine that suggest the risk for developing mental health conditions has likely been exacerbated in war-affected areas.

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Healthcare contact prior to suicide: key opportunities for suicide prevention


In her debut blog, Su-Gwan Tham explores a Welsh population-based data linkage study, which finds that almost 3 in 4 people (73%) who died by suicide in Wales had contact with services in the month before their death.

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Daily skunk cannabis use associated with a 5-fold increase in psychosis risk


Luke Sheridan-Reins explores a recent paper on the contribution of cannabis use to variation in the incidence of psychotic disorder across Europe.

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What relationship do stressful life events, neglect and abuse have with functional neurological disorder (conversion disorder)?


Mark Edwards considers the findings of a new meta-analysis of case-control studies, which looks at the relationship between stressful life events, neglect and abuse with functional neurological disorder.

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Smoking and risk of schizophrenia: new study finds a dose-response relationship


Marcus Munafò looks at the mounting evidence about smoking and risk of schizophrenia, including a new case-control study that provides clear evidence of a prospective association between cigarette smoking and a subsequent diagnosis of schizophrenia.

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High potency cannabis and the risk of psychosis


Eleanor Kennedy writes her debut blog on a recent case-control study of people in South London, which explores the links between first-episode psychosis and the use of high potency cannabis (skunk).

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Are autism and ADHD associated with antidepressants or maternal depression? The debate continues…


Amy Green summarises a retrospective observational study that finds prenatal antidepressant exposure is associated with risk for ADHD, but not autistic spectrum disorders. She considers this complex topic and works out what it all means for pregnant women with depression.

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Bipolar disorder and leadership: evidence from a total population study


Elena Marcus writes her debut blog on a total population study that finds some interesting associations between bipolar disorder and leadership potential, executive roles and political professions.

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