The role of the gut microbiome in treatment-resistant schizophrenia


Nuala Murray explores a recent Australian case-control study that looks at the associations between changes in gut microbiota and schizophrenia diagnosis, treatment resistance, and clozapine response.

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Osteoradionecrosis and denture use in head and neck cancer patients


This review assessing the evidence of the impact of replacing missing teeth with dentures on the development of osteoradionecrosis in patients who have radiotherapy for head and neck cancer only identified 3 case-controlled studies of very low quality.

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Caries: review suggests a higher risk in HIV-infected children


This review included 5 case-controlled studies only 2 of which were at low risk of bias and suggested that HIV-infected children have a higher risk of cavitated caries in their primary teeth, OR = 2.98, 95% CI; 1.59-5.59.

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