Silver Diamine Fluoride can arrest caries in children


This review of silver diamine fluoride (SDF) to arrest caries included 19 studies and suggest that 38% SDF can arrest 81% ( 68-89%) of active caries. . However none of the available studies was at low risk of bias so the findings should be interpreted cautiously.

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Do analgesics before dental treatment reduce post treatment pain in children?


This Cochrane review found 5 RCTs of pre-op analgesics prior to dental treatment for children under local anaesthetic. The evidence as insufficient to determine a benefit but there may be a benefit prior to orthodontic band placement. Further high quality studies are needed.

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Fluoride mouthrinse: regular supervised use reduces tooth decay in children


This Cochrane review includes 37 RCTs and found regular supervised use of fluoride mouthrinse by children and adolescents is associated with a large reduction in caries increment in permanent teeth.

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Arginine and caries prevention


7 RCTs were included in this review of the caries prevention effects of arginine containing dental products. They provide insufficient evidence to support a caries preventive effect for arginine in toothpaste.

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Psychological disorders associated with poor oral health

Authors reviewed studies that assessed oral health of people with severe mental illness.

26 studies were included in this review of the association between common psychological disorders and poor oral health. Dental decay and tooth loss were significantly higher in those with common psychological disorders

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Molar incisor hypomineralisation associated with caries

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17 low quality studies were included in this review of the association between molar incisor hypomineralisation and caries. A significant association was suggested but none of the studies was considered to be of high quality so the findings should be interpreted with caution.

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Probiotics – insufficient evidence supporting use to manage caries or periodontal disease


This review of probiotics use for caries and periodontal disease management identified 50 studies. Most focused on surrogate outcomes (bacterial counts) and the overall quality of the evidence supporting probiotic therapy was graded as very low for all outcomes.

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Topical fluoride for remineralising and arresting carious lesions


This review looked at topical fluoride for remineralising or arresting caries. 17 RCTs were included and overall remineralised early enamel caries using % fluoride varnish = 63.6 % (95% CI; 36.0 to 91.2 %) and 38% silver diamine fluoride had an overall proportion of arrested dentine caries = 65.9% (95% CI; 41.2 to 90.7 %).

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Vitamin D status and caries associated?


Data from a cohort of children (6-11 years old) participating in the Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) suggests an association between vitamin D status and dental caries. Children with 25(OH)D concentrations ≥75 nmol/L had a 39% lower odds of having experienced caries.

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