Can we predict how people will adjust after victimisation? Progress towards an individualised risk calculator for psychopathology


In her debut blog, Jessica Armitage reviews a recent cohort study, which suggests that it may be possible to predict risk of psychopathology in victimised children.

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Self-compassion for anxiety and depression in young people #ActiveIngredientsMH


Sarah Egan summarises a recent systematic review relating to her own Wellcome Trust funded research on self-compassion for the prevention and treatment of anxiety and depression in young people.

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Increased suicide risk where race/ethnicity and sexual orientation intersect


In his debut blog, Brendan Dunlop summarises a study finding a relationship between minority sexual orientation, ethnicity and suicide risk in adolescents.

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“It doesn’t mean they aren’t after you”: sexual minorities and paranoia


Sarah Carr explores a recent cross-sectional study on sexual minority status and symptoms of psychosis, which looks at the role of bullying, discrimination, social support and drug use.

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Who gets bullied? Using genetic information to identify individual vulnerabilities


Lucy Bowes explores a multi-polygenic score approach to identifying individual vulnerabilities associated with the risk of bullying, which suggests that depression, ADHD, risk taking, BMI and intelligence are independently associated with exposure to bullying.

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The impact of racism on mental health


Alison Faulkner considers a recent report on racism and mental health by the Synergi Collaborative Centre, which covers the impact of interpersonal racism, the multidimensional nature of disadvantage, structural disadvantage and mental illness, and pathways to mental health care.

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Preventing mental illness, at long last


Peter Byrne, the Public Mental Health lead at the Royal College of Psychiatrists, welcomes a new BMA report entitled: “Tackling the Causes – promoting public mental health and investing in prevention”.

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Suicide risk following childhood interpersonal violence


Katrina Witt considers the findings of a meta-analysis of longitudinal studies, which looks at exposure to interpersonal violence in childhood, and the impact that it may have on risk of suicide in young people.

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The economic impact of bullying #MHED2018


João Santos reports on a recent study that explores the long term economic impact associated with childhood bullying victimisation.

Follow #MHED2018 today on Twitter to hear more about this research from one of the authors Louise Arseneault

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Cyberbullying research: what do we really know? #MHED2018


Neil Humphrey kicks off #MHED2018 week here on the Mental Elf with a blog exploring some of the problems with cyberbullying research.

We’ll be blogging about youth mental health research all week and live tweeting from #MHED2018 on Thursday and Friday.

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