Amelia Mullett summarises an Australian RCT on the efficacy of a short message service brief contact intervention (SMS-SOS) in reducing repetition of hospital-treated self-harm.
[read the full story...]Amelia Mullett summarises an Australian RCT on the efficacy of a short message service brief contact intervention (SMS-SOS) in reducing repetition of hospital-treated self-harm.
[read the full story...]Maria Loades and Georgia Herring consider a randomised trial of online single-session interventions for adolescent depression during COVID-19.
[read the full story...]Kirsten Barnicot helps us get in the mood for the #BIGSPD21 annual conference taking place online today and tomorrow (15-16 June 2021), by blogging a recent literature review on access to psychotherapy for patients with personality disorders, written by Professor Joel Paris who is speaking at the event today.
[read the full story...]Pooky Knightsmith writes her debut elf blog on a recent meta-analysis, which looks at the effectiveness of school-based mental health services for 5-10 year old children.
[read the full story...]Angharad de Cates explores a recent RCT of a brief psychological intervention to reduce repetition of self-harm in patients admitted to hospital following a suicide attempt.
[read the full story...]Olivia Maynard considers the findings of a recent systematic review that evaluates the effectiveness of alcohol brief interventions in reducing consumption. The review focuses specifically on the impact of the intervention content, provider group and setting.
[read the full story...]Ian Hamilton presents the findings of a recent pilot randomised trial of a brief intervention for comorbid substance misuse in psychiatric inpatient settings.
[read the full story...]Sally Adams summarises a meta-analysis of specialty substance use disorder services following brief alcohol intervention, which finds a lack of evidence for SBIRTs despite the widespread public health support for this type of programme.
[read the full story...]Elly O’Brien summarises a large Danish cohort study, which investigates the short-term and long-term effects of psychosocial therapy for people after deliberate self-harm.
[read the full story...]Olivia Maynard reports on a recent Cochrane review that investigates talking therapies for reducing alcohol consumption in illicit drug users. The reviewers found no differences in the effectiveness of different psychotherapies (motivational interviewing, brief interventions, CBT) and insufficient evidence to draw any meaningful conclusions.
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