Catherine Harmer summarises a recent network meta-analysis relating to her own Wellcome Trust funded research into antidepressants for young people with anxiety or depression.
[read the full story...]Catherine Harmer summarises a recent network meta-analysis relating to her own Wellcome Trust funded research into antidepressants for young people with anxiety or depression.
[read the full story...]In this blog Mark-Steven Howe looks at a methodlogical review and meta-analysis. The review looked at the use of patient and assessor blinding is trials of oral health interventions and shows larger effect sizes when blinding was lacking.
[read the full story...]Our #EvidenceLive team of bloggers report on a recent feasibility study of psilocybin for the treatment of refractory depression.
[read the full story...]Sarah Knowles reviews a recent meta-analysis about the effects of blinding on the outcomes of psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy for adult depression.
[read the full story...]Tracey Roberts appraises a systematic review of group psychotherapies for schizophrenia, which includes group CBT, music therapy, art therapy and social skills training.
[read the full story...]Simon Wessely responds to the huge amount of recent criticism that has surrounded the publication of a follow-up paper of the PACE trial into chronic fatigue syndrome. This extended blog presents the PACE trial and its main results, but also reminds us what makes a good RCT, as well as exploring how well PACE measures up.
[read the full story...]Osteoarthritis of the knee is a common condition and typically presents with painful and restricted function and sometimes varus (bow legs) and valgus (knock knees) deformity of the knee. Once the condition and pain worsens knee joint replacement surgery is a treatment option. Patients typically improve in terms of pain and function but there is [read the full story…]