Murtada Alsaif considers a recent systematic review on the safety and efficacy of adjunctive second-generation antidepressant therapy with a mood stabiliser or an atypical antipsychotic in acute bipolar depression.
[read the full story...]Murtada Alsaif considers a recent systematic review on the safety and efficacy of adjunctive second-generation antidepressant therapy with a mood stabiliser or an atypical antipsychotic in acute bipolar depression.
[read the full story...]Jasmin Wertz presents the findings of a recent systematic review and meta-analysis that explores the relationship between childhood adversity and bipolar disorder.
[read the full story...]Elena Marcus considers a brand new systematic review, which evaluates the impact of nutrition interventions for people with severe mental illness.
[read the full story...]This World Mental Health Day, we share a Wellcome Trust interview with Professor Andrew McIntosh, who has a £4.7 million award to explore why people develop depression. He tells Wellcome how he hopes his work will improve the lives of people with mental health conditions, and how he looks after his own mental wellbeing.
[read the full story...]Elena Marcus presents a recent study that shows how older Australian men with bipolar disorder have an increased risk of dementia and early death.
[read the full story...]Joanne Wallace considers a recent systematic review of exercise in severe mental illness, which focuses on the factors that motivate people to exercise, and the barriers that can prevent physical activity.
[read the full story...]Raphael Underwood highlights a recent international systematic review of individual placement and support for people with serious mental illness who are seeking to return to work.
[read the full story...]Michael Ostacher provides a robust appraisal of a recent UK cohort study that suggests bipolar disorder patients taking lithium had reduced self-harm and unintentional injury rates, when compared with patients taking valproate, olanzapine or quetiapine.
[read the full story...]Andrew Jones reports on an ecological pragmatic clinical trial, which suggests that it is feasible to support smoking cessation in people with severe mental disorders such as bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.
[read the full story...]Joseph Hayes summarises the recent British Association for Psychopharmacology guidelines for the treatment of bipolar disorder, and compares their recommendations with those found in the NICE bipolar disorder guidance from 2014.
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