Rena Gatzounis summarises a review investigating the effectiveness of digital interventions for eating disorders and the behaviour change techniques that lie underneath.
[read the full story...]Childhood trauma and abuse: long-term outcomes for people with eating disorders
In her debut blog, Ivana Kihas summarises a Norwegian 17-year longitudinal study examining the trajectories of eating disorder symptoms and associations with childhood maltreatment and sexual abuse.
[read the full story...]Digital self-help for bulimia recovery: encouraging results for waiting list management
In her debut blog, Ana Julia Ferreira summarises a randomised controlled trial investigating the effectiveness of a digital self-help intervention for improving bulimic-spectrum disorder symptomatology while on a treatment waiting list.
[read the full story...]The Body Project peer-led eating disorders prevention programme shows promise for bulimia nervosa and purging disorder
Georgie Parker summarises a recent study which outlines the results of three trials exploring the effectiveness of a peer-led dissonance-based programme for preventing the onset of eating disorders.
[read the full story...]Online family-based therapy for youth eating disorders: promising, but randomised evidence needed
In her debut blog, Eline van Bree summarises a recent pre-post observational cohort study, which explores the effectiveness of delivering evidence-based eating disorder treatment via telemedicine for children and young people.
[read the full story...]CBT for eating disorders: which approach works best for whom?
Alice Potter reviews a trial of CBT for eating disorders, which finds that motivational work may be important for patients with initially low motivation and resistance to therapy.
[read the full story...]Interpersonal psychotherapy for eating disorders: a viable alternative to CBT?
Georgie Parker summarises a systematic review which suggests that interpersonal psychotherapy may be as effective as CBT for eating disorders, particularly in certain groups.
[read the full story...]Disordered eating during COVID: understanding experiences from Reddit posts
Georgie Parker summarises a research study of Reddit comments posted during Covid-19, which looks at how the pandemic and lockdown affected people with disordered eating behaviours.
[read the full story...]Exploring eating disorders on TikTok – #EDrecovery: helpful or harmful?
Cara Richardson blogs about a novel study that explores the use of the social media platform TikTok to express experiences of eating disorder recovery.
[read the full story...]Digital CBT for eating disorders: a realistic way to bridge the treatment gap?
Georgie Parker reviews a US cluster randomised controlled trial which finds that digital CBT is effective at reducing eating disorder symptoms in female college students.
[read the full story...]