Recurrent aphthous stomatitis – topical interventions


This review of the efficacy and safety of topical interventions used for recurrent aphthous stomatitis included 72 studies assessing 29 different interventions. Most of the interventions did not demonstrate significant differences with limitednumbers of studies for some interventions and overal limitations in the quality of the evidence.

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Burning mouth syndrome – topical interventions


This review assessing the effectiveness of topical interventions in the management of burning mouth syndrome (BMS), based on the core outcome domains recommended by the Initiative on Methods, Measurement, and Pain Assessment in Clinical Trials (IMMPACT) includes 8 RCTs and higlights the need to apply standardised outcome measures in future studies.

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Antiseptic oral sprays: Do they improve oral health?


20 RCTs involving a total of 720 patients were included in this review of antiseptic oral sprays in the control of dental plaque and gingivitis. The findings suggest then can reduce plaque levels in the short term.

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Burning mouth syndrome: limited evidence for treatments

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Twenty two RCTs were identified for this review of treatments for burning mouth syndrome. A broad range of therapies were included but they provide limited evidence to support or refute the therapies. More high quality appropriately powered are studies are needed using standard outcomes measures.

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Small study suggests positive effect for hyaluronic acid spray on swelling and trismus after third molar removal


Postoperative pain, swelling and trismus are common postoperative problems following the removal of impacted third molars. Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a major carbohydrate component of the extracellular matrix and can be found in many tissues and has been introduced as a bio-material with potential to enhance wound healing. It has been used in ophthalmology, dermatology, [read the full story…]