Gut microbiome disruptions in depression: shifting the focus to metabolic signatures in blood


Gerard Clarke explores a recent study which looks into the interplay of metabolome and gut microbiome in individuals with major depressive disorder.

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Chemomechanical caries removal in primary teeth

caries upper arch

This review of the effectiveness of chemomechanical caries removal in primary teeth identified 15 studies with 10 contributing to the quantitative analysis. The findings suggest this approach is less painful but takes longer than traditional approaches.

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Chronic periodontitis is associated with a characteristic bacterial profile of saliva


Periodontal disease is common and here in the UK 10-15% of adults have chronic periodontal disease.  It is a multifactorial disease and subgingival bacteria play an important role in the pathogenesis of the disease. The aim of this study was to see if chronic periodontitis is associated with a characteristic bacterial saliva profile, and if [read the full story…]