Violence against older people is strongly associated with poor mental health #16DaysOfActivism2024


Sophie Carlisle explores the prevalence of violence against older people and how this relates to mental health. This is the third blog in our #16DaysOfActivism2024 series.

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How do sexual assault services identify and treat mental health and substance misuse problems?


Anjuli Kaul explores a recent systematic review on the identification and treatment of mental health and substance misuse problems in sexual assault services.

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Rape of older people: challenging the ‘Real Rape’ stereotype


Jill Manthorpe welcomes a recent paper by Bows & Westmarland, which provides a very useful summary of research about the rape and sexual violence committed against older women in the UK.

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#SafeStaffing Mental health nursing on inpatient wards

We need validated assessments of depression.

John Baker looks at the implications of the leaked NICE review on #SafeStaffing for Nursing in Inpatient Mental Health Settings, which was recently uncovered by HSJ journalist Shaun Lintern.

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