In her debut Mental Elf blog, Gilda Spaducci explores the global prevalence of perinatal mental disorders among migrant women; summarising a recent review which finds that “one in four experience perinatal depression, one in five perinatal anxiety, and one in eleven perinatal PTSD”.
[read the full story...]Is persistent anxiety and depression in childhood a one-way road to adverse outcomes in adulthood?
In her latest blog, Laura Hankey summarises a longitudinal study using ALSPAC data that explored associations between anxiety, depression, and comorbid anxiety/depression in childhood and adverse outcomes in young adulthood.
[read the full story...]Integrating smoking cessation treatment into routine care for people with mental illness: how will the NHS cope?
Amelia Talbot summarises a qualitative study on people’s views of integrating smoking cessation treatment into routine care for people with mental illness.
[read the full story...]Suicide prevention for autistic people: the importance of belonging, mental health and movement
Shania Lorenz summarises a recent network analysis on the complex pathways to suicide and suicidal thoughts among autistic people, which may include a lack of caring and supportive friends, feeling like an outsider, movement differences like restlessness, and mental health problems like anxiety.
[read the full story...]Interventions to foster resilience in nursing staff may help (a little) in the short-term
Olga Lainidi summarises a recent systematic review and meta-analysis investigating the effectiveness of resilience interventions on the mental health of nursing staff.
[read the full story...]Add on iCBT: weak evidence of modest benefits in depression and anxiety
Liesbeth Tip and Antigone Lanitis reflect on a recent systematic review and meta-analysis that investigated internet-delivered psychological treatment as an add-on to treatment as usual in depression, anxiety, and PTSD.
[read the full story...]Computerised CBT for youth anxiety and depression: a growing evidence-base
In her debut blog, Jemma Baker reports on a systematic review and meta-analysis investigating the effectiveness of computerised cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) for depression and anxiety in adolescents.
[read the full story...]Parental mental illness a key risk factor for offspring mental illness: new evidence from Australia
Francesca Zecchinato summarises a new study which suggests that children of parents with experience of mental illness comorbidities represent a vulnerable population and should be prioritised in prevention and intervention efforts.
[read the full story...]Is trauma a transdiagnostic risk for mental health problems? Recent umbrella meta-analysis suggests yes
In her debut blog, Megan Bailey summarises an umbrella review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses on whether psychological trauma can be considered as a transdiagnostic risk factor for mental health disorders.
[read the full story...]In at the deep end: workplace pandemic difficulties faced by medical students and junior doctors
Olga Lainidi summarises a qualitative study capturing the stories of medical students and junior doctors about the workplace difficulties they faced during the pandemic.
[read the full story...]