Can self help apps PROMOTE wellbeing or PREVENT illness in young adults?

Person holding phone

Kirsten Lawson summarises the ECoWeB PROMOTE and PREVENT trials in relation to self-helps apps for promoting wellbeing and preventing mental ill health among young adults.

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Apps for depression and anxiety: big new meta-analysis supports effectiveness


In their debut blog, Lee Valentine summarises a large-scale updated meta-analysis investigating the effectiveness of mental health apps for depression and anxiety.

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Game on for mental health? Reviewing the effectiveness of applied and casual games for young people’s mental health

There are interesting avenues for future research arising from the conclusions of this paper, including better understanding from a user-experience perspective of what features or mechanics of games might be especially beneficial for mental health.

Linda Kaye and Kirsten Lawson summarise a large systematic review synthesising the effectiveness of applied and casual games on young people’s mental health.

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Predicting antidepressant response using artificial intelligence


Holly Fraser discusses new findings on whether and how we can predict antidepressant response using artificial intelligence.

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On the outside, looking in: sibling experiences of adolescent inpatient mental health care

Findings from McGrath et al. (2024) emphasise the importance of clinicians taking the whole family into consideration when a young person is admitted to an inpatient unit.

Lottie Shipp appraises a qualitative study that explored young people’s experiences of their sibling being admitted to a mental health inpatient unit.

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Do eating disorder treatment outcomes differ between transgender, gender diverse and cisgender adolescents?


Ellie Davis highlights a retrospective cohort study that explored eating disorder treatment outcomes between transgender, gender diverse and cisgender adolescents.

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ARFID outcomes: new research suggests that avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder is a persistent and distinct eating disorder


Georgie Parker summarises a prospective 2-year longitudinal cohort study investigating the course and predictors of outcome in avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID) in young people.

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Digital self-help for bulimia recovery: encouraging results for waiting list management


In her debut blog, Ana Julia Ferreira summarises a randomised controlled trial investigating the effectiveness of a digital self-help intervention for improving bulimic-spectrum disorder symptomatology while on a treatment waiting list.

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Digitally augmented CBT for child anxiety is more efficient and no less effective than typical parent-led CBT


Helen Dodd summarises a recent non-inferiority randomised controlled trial led by Cathy Creswell, which investigated the effectiveness of digitally augmented parent-led CBT for child anxiety.

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Beating the odds in recovery: does employment support benefit the outcomes of psychological therapy?


Lucy Chilton and Sarah Watts summarise a case-control study looking at the effectiveness of employment support in combination with psychological therapies within NHS Talking Therapies.

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