Educational practitioner and researcher, Aleem Nisar, writes about the people and places in our communities that can help to diversify our research and ensure that mental health services reach those most in need.
[read the full story...]Educational practitioner and researcher, Aleem Nisar, writes about the people and places in our communities that can help to diversify our research and ensure that mental health services reach those most in need.
[read the full story...]Yasmin Ahmadzadeh considers a systematic review of the coping strategies employed by Black adults in North America to navigate experiences of racism.
[read the full story...]Kam Bhui reviews a conceptual framework developed to understand structural racism and suicide prevention for ethnoracially minoritised youth in the United States.
[read the full story...]Today, following the #AntiRacistMHResearch webinar (11/5/21) on Achieving Equity in Mental Health Research with Dr Lade Smith, we publish the full version of a letter written by Dr Smith and colleagues to The Lancet Psychiatry last year.
[read the full story...]As we prepare for the next instalment in our “How to be an anti-racist mental health researcher” webinar series, Kam Bhui considers research ethics and how we must disrupt and transform mental health research if we are serious about tackling inequalities and racism.
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