New research on metabolomic pathways supports the case to routinely screen for antenatal depression

Sad pregnant asian woman

Nora Rosenberg summarises the largest and most comprehensive study to date on metabolomic pathways to antenatal depression, birth outcomes and offspring development.

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The pill and ‘baby blues’: does experiencing depression with hormonal contraception predict postpartum depression?


Flo Martin explores a recent cohort study of Danish registry data that investigate whether women with a history of depression associated with using hormonal contraception were also at a higher risk of developing postpartum depression.

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Body weight and perinatal depression: what’s the link?


In her debut blog, Sarah Nicholson summarises a systematic review of pre-pregnancy BMI and the risk of antenatal and postnatal depression.

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Adolescent cannabis use and risk of depression and suicide


Benjamin Janaway blogs about a major data analysis that links adolescent cannabis use with increased risk of depression and suicide. He considers the opportunities for early recognition of cannabis use and public intervention.

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Perinatal depression in mothers: how can treatment help with parenting and child development?


Eloise Stark publishes her debut blog on a recent systematic review, which looks at the effect that treatment for perinatal depression in mothers can have on parenting and child development.

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Mental illness and neurobiological correlates in the transgender population


Dean Connolly publish their debut blog on a literature review of transgender research, which reports on the prevalence of mental illness in the transgender population.

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Over 1 in 10 women have depression during pregnancy or postnatally #HopeNov20


Emma Molyneaux writes her debut blog about a recent systematic review and meta-regression of the prevalence and incidence of perinatal depression.

We are covering the #HopeNov20 event today at parliament to raise awareness of mental health conditions during pregnancy and beyond. Search Twitter for #HopeNov20 from 1-6pm to follow the conversation.

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Perinatal mental health difficulties: does the internet have the answer?


Jane Iles summarises a recent systematic review of digital interventions for perinatal mental health, which highlights a mixed bag of heterogeneous studies in this field.

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Antidepressants for depression: new BAP guidance


Helge Hasselmann summarises the recently published evidence-based guidance on antidepressants for depression published by the British Association for Psychopharmacology.

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Could partner factors reduce the risk of maternal depression and anxiety in the perinatal period?

Couple sitting on park bench

Paul Ramchandani and Ellen Grimas report on the findings of a recent systematic review and meta-analysis of modifiable partner factors associated with perinatal depression and anxiety.

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