Eating disorders and suicide


David Steele considers the implications of a Swedish population registry study, which finds that people with eating disorders and their close relations are at increased risk for attempting and/or completing suicide.

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A new MANTRA for treating anorexia nervosa? The MOSAIC study


Helen Bould considers the findings of the MOSAIC RCT that compares the Maudsley Model of Anorexia Nervosa Treatment for Adults (MANTRA) with Specialist Supportive Clinical Management (SSCM) in outpatients with broadly defined Anorexia Nervosa.

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Eating disorders associated with poor oral health


This new systematic review explored the links between eating disorders and oral health, which were first noted in the 1970s. Ten studies were included in the review and higher odds of dental erosion were seen in those with eating disorders, with the odds being greater in those with self-induced vomiting.

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Eating disorders in parents are associated with eating disorders in children


Emily Stapley presents the findings of a recent cohort study that highlights an association between eating disorders in parents and eating disorders in their children.

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The antipsychotic drugs don’t work for anorexia nervosa

Refusing pills

Helen Bould appraises a recent meta-analysis of second-generation antipsychotics for anorexia nervosa, which finds that the drugs don’t lead to weight gain or improve eating disorder symptoms. So why are antipsychotics being used in this group of patients?

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Medication versus placebo for anorexia nervosa: antidepressants, antipsychotics and hormonal therapy


In her debut blog, Nicola Coop summarises a recent meta-analysis looking at the use of antidepressants, antipsychotics and hormonal therapy for people with anorexia nervosa.

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E-therapy for eating disorders: review finds lack of evidence for digital treatment or prevention


Helen Bould summarises a new systematic review that finds a lack of evidence for the digital treatment or prevention of eating disorders. With so many new websites and apps popping up every week, why is there no reliable evidence of positive effect?

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Tooth erosion: review suggests an association with eating disorders


While this new review of observational studies does suggest an increase in tooth erosion in those suffering with eating disorders concerns of the quality of the available evidence means that this is not sufficient to support a causal role for eating disorders in tooth erosion.

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Eating disorders: mapping the (lack of) evidence


Helen Bould summarises a recent review that maps the evidence for the prevention and treatment of eating disorders in young people. Her conclusion? A call to arms for more better quality research to help people affected by these serious illnesses.

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Meta-review presents the risks of all-cause and suicide mortality in mental disorders


This recent and well-conducted meta-review concludes that the impact on mortality and suicide of mental disorders is substantial, and probably poorly appreciated as a public health problem. Raphael Underwood’s blog summarises the data for all-cause and suicide mortality in mental disorders.

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