CBT for eating disorders: which approach works best for whom?


Alice Potter reviews a trial of CBT for eating disorders, which finds that motivational work may be important for patients with initially low motivation and resistance to therapy.

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How the pro-eating disorders community gain influence on Twitter #Proana


In her debut blog, Megan Buoey summarises a social media study which explores how pro-eating disorder communities grow on Twitter.

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Interpersonal psychotherapy for eating disorders: a viable alternative to CBT?


Georgie Parker summarises a systematic review which suggests that interpersonal psychotherapy may be as effective as CBT for eating disorders, particularly in certain groups.

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Disordered eating during COVID: understanding experiences from Reddit posts


Georgie Parker summarises a research study of Reddit comments posted during Covid-19, which looks at how the pandemic and lockdown affected people with disordered eating behaviours.

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The link between autism and eating disorders remains unclear #CAMHScampfire


Douglas Badenoch helps us prepare for another CAMHS Around the Campfire session by looking at a brace of population cohort studies exploring the links between autism and eating disorders.

Follow #CAMHScampfire on Twitter at 5pm BST on Monday 11th October for an online journal club discussing these papers. Or sign up now to join the free webinar hosted by ACAMH.

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New Canadian study confirms the excess mortality associated with eating disorders


In her debut blog, Anna Paspala summarises a new study published today in The British Journal of Psychiatry, which suggests that in Ontario, Canada, mortality rates in people with eating disorders were 5-7 times higher than the general population.

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One size doesn’t fit all: new insights into eating disorders and autism


In her debut blog, Shania Lorenz summarises a qualitative research study that looks at the experiences of women with eating disorders and autism, their parents and health professionals.

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Exploring eating disorders on TikTok – #EDrecovery: helpful or harmful?


Cara Richardson blogs about a novel study that explores the use of the social media platform TikTok to express experiences of eating disorder recovery.

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Eating disorder symptoms and suicidality: is there a significant association within the student population?


In his debut blog, Jack Wainwright explores a study that finds an association between eating disorders and suicidality in US college students.

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Assessing digital risk: a mixed-methods study assessing psychiatry trainee’s experiences, views and understanding


Georgie Parker reviews a mixed-methods study exploring psychiatry trainees understanding, experience of and competence assessing and managing digital risk.

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