Community action has little impact on harms from alcohol use disorder


Natasha Clarke explores a systematic review of Whole of Community interventions to reduce population level harms arising from alcohol and other drug use.

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Women-only drug treatment services: their time has come #DAWF18


Emma Wincup and Katharine Sacks-Jones explore the findings of a recent qualitative study that asks: Do women with complex alcohol and other drug use histories want women-only residential treatment?

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Moderate and heavy alcohol consumption: what impact on later life brain and cognition?


Sally Adams summarises a recent clinical review in Evidence Based Mental Health on the effects of drinking alcohol on late-life brain and cognition.

Follow #EBMHchat today from 3pm for an expert Google Hangout on this paper.

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Alcohol is the number one modifiable risk factor for dementia


Marie Crabbe looks at a recent retrospective cohort study in The Lancet Public Health which explores the contribution of alcohol use disorders to the burden of dementia in France.

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Non-medical use of prescription drugs #NonMedicalDrugs


Ian Hamilton and Julia Buxton from the University of York preview the #NonMedicalDrugs event that will take place in York on Friday 16th March 2018.

The meeting will bring together people who can offer personal and professional insights of the extent of the issue and how we can support people who develop problems.

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Which personality traits may protect us from alcohol use disorder?


Andrew Jones summarises a recent systematic review and meta-analysis of alcohol treatment outcome, which identifies a range of personality traits that are associated with relapse.

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Potentially malignant disorders of the oral cavity: Evaluation guideline

By Aitor III (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

This new clinical practice guideline from the American Dental Association (ADA) updates the 2010 guideline on “Evidence-based Clinical Recommendations Regarding Screening for Oral Squamous Cell Carcinomas

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Dual diagnosis guidance: money talks when it comes to drugs, alcohol and mental illness

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Ian Hamilton shares his thoughts on the new PHE dual diagnosis guidance: Better care for people with co-occurring mental health and alcohol/drug use conditions.

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Sleep bruxism: risk factors


This review of risk factors for sleep bruxism identified 9 studies involving a total of 12,454 patients. Strong associations were found for sleep bruxism, GERD and a gene related to serotonergic neurotransmission.

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Parenting factors associated with adolescent alcohol misuse


Natasha Clarke considers a systematic review and meta-analysis of longitudinal studies, which looks at modifiable parenting factors associated with adolescent alcohol misuse.

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