Can psychosocial interventions help reduce parental substance use?


In her debut blog, Lilli Waples summarises a recent Cochrane Review on the effectiveness of psychosocial interventions to reduce parental substance use.

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Are homeless people more likely to die by suicide?


Ian Cummins explores a study that analysed data from the National Confidential Inquiry into Suicide and Safety in Mental Health, which finds that homeless people were more likely to die by suicide after discharge from hospital than non-homeless people.

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Alcohol and bipolar: how does heavy alcohol use predict the course of bipolar disorder?


Danielle Windget and Sammy Eden review a recent study on the patterns and clinical correlates of lifetime alcohol consumption in women and men with bipolar disorder.

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Disclosing self-harm history: people’s attributes and risk factors


Holly Crudgington reviews a recent study from Manchester, which explores characteristics and risk of repetition in people who fail to report previous hospital presentations for self-harm.

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MDMA-assisted psychotherapy for alcohol use disorder: is it feasible?


Anya Borissova reviews a recent UK pilot study which suggests that MDMA-assisted psychotherapy is a feasible intervention to use in people with alcohol use disorder. Now we need randomised trials that can reliably measure safety and effectiveness.

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Cost-effective strategies for mental health workplace intervention


Chris Sampson summarises a review on the cost-effectiveness of mental health workplace interventions, which presents up-to-date evidence on the different things that employers can do to help those in their workforce affected by mental health problems or substance misuse.

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Increased alcohol consumption during the pandemic: explained


Ian Hamilton reviews a recent longitudinal study from Finland, which explores the psychological stressors predicting increased drinking during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Suicide in children and young people can happen without warning


Shirley Reynolds reviews a records study which finds that around one third of children and young people who die by suicide have no explicit prior risk.

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Autism and social anxiety: qualitative research shows how we can help


Rachel Symons summarises a qualitative study that explores the relationship between autism and social anxiety in male adults.

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One in four UK children exposed to maternal mental illness


Francesca Bentivegna reviews a national retrospective cohort study which explores the prevalence of maternal mental illness among children and adolescents in the UK during 2005-2017.

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