Climate change and mental health: what do we know, and what don’t we know?


Peter Coventry examines a big new umbrella review which signals the need for robust assessment and quantification of the mental health impacts of climate change.

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Exposure to air pollution increases mental health service use, according to new UK study


Wajeeha Raza and Peter Coventry review a retrospective cohort study exploring the association between air pollution exposure and mental health service use among individuals with first presentations of psychotic and mood disorders.

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Is air pollution associated with poor mental health?


Ioannis Bakolis summarises a systematic review and meta-analysis exploring the association between air pollution exposure and the risk of mental health difficulties such as depression, anxiety and suicide.

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Preventing mental illness, at long last


Peter Byrne, the Public Mental Health lead at the Royal College of Psychiatrists, welcomes a new BMA report entitled: “Tackling the Causes – promoting public mental health and investing in prevention”.

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