This blog pulls together a number of our blogs on COVID-19 publishing since July. We also include links to our other COVID-19 relevant blogs published since March 2020.
[read the full story...]This blog pulls together a number of our blogs on COVID-19 publishing since July. We also include links to our other COVID-19 relevant blogs published since March 2020.
[read the full story...]This Cochrane rapid review of the effectiveness of methods used during dental treatment procedures to minimize aerosol production and reduce or neutralize contamination in aerosols. While the studies suggest a reduction in the levels of bacterial contamination the quality of the studies means the evidence is of low certainty.
[read the full story...]Mark-Steven Howe takes a look at the fallow times reported in the recently published rapid review of international guidelines, the precautionary principle and the Independent Action Hypothesis (IAH).
[read the full story...]Manas Dave summarises a recent study on the stability of SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV-1 in aerosols. The findings show that the virus remains viable and survives on a number of different surfaces.
[read the full story...]In another of his series of blogs on Covid-19 Mark-Steven Howe looks at the latest data on prevalence from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) and data on the fit testing of FFP3 masks.
[read the full story...]In another of his Covid-19 related blogs Mark-Steven Howe looks at the effectiveness of face shields for preventing droplet contamination.
[read the full story...]In this opinion piece Mark-Steven Howe considered the challenges of basing decisions on of average values for decision making when infection is not evenly distributed either geographically nor demographically
[read the full story...]Mark-Steven Howe reanalyses a recent Cochrane review on personal protective equipment focusing on the evidence from a primary care rather than secondary care perspective.
[read the full story...]This rapid review suggests that in the clinical environment where high volume aspiration and rubber dam is in use during dental AGP procedures there may be no significant additional benefit in wearing an FFP3/FFP2 or surgical mask.
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