Trish Darcy and Peter Coventry consider a novel US research study on climate change, ambient heat, and the links to increased mental health-related emergency visits.
[read the full story...]Trish Darcy and Peter Coventry consider a novel US research study on climate change, ambient heat, and the links to increased mental health-related emergency visits.
[read the full story...]In her debut blog, Alice Potter reviews a qualitative study exploring different perspectives on the accessibility of current IAPT self-referral processes for people with mental health problems living in poverty.
[read the full story...]In his debut blog, Christian Dalton-Locke reviews a recent longitudinal (online survey) study, which looks at mental health outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic. The research finds that women, young adults, those from socially disadvantaged backgrounds, and people with pre-existing mental health problems were affected worse than others.
[read the full story...]Kate Chartres summarises a recent mixed-methods study of the healthcare received by patients diagnosed with a personality disorder on acute general hospital wards.
[read the full story...]Nada Seif reviews a recent survey study on self-reported mental health problems in ICU staff working during the UK 2020 COVID-19 pandemic.
[read the full story...]This study explores the use of humour as a practice tool in social care, drawing on the humour-health hypothesis as the premise of the investigation and identifying both positive and negative impacts that definitely warrant some more thought and exploration. The Elves are not new to the idea that humour can be an important tool [read the full story…]
Rachel Allan and Tom Crossland present the recent NICE guidance on mental health problems in people with learning disabilities, and comment on how useful these new recommendations are for people with learning disabilities and their care givers.
[read the full story...]At the start of LGBT History Month, Sarah Carr presents some recent research into sexual orientation and symptoms of common mental disorder or low wellbeing.
[read the full story...]Alix Dixon presents a recent systematic review on the effectiveness of CBT for autism spectrum disorders and comorbid anxiety or depression.
[read the full story...]Kirsten Lawson is frustrated by the uncertainty highlighted in a recent systematic review of the epidemiology of mental health attendances at emergency departments.
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