Peer influence and risk taking behaviour during adolescence


Emily Stapley explores a recent article by Sarah-Jayne Blakemore on avoiding social risk in adolescence, which argues that the social risk of being rejected by peers outweighs other potentially negative outcomes of decisions.

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Adolescent cannabis use increases risk of an adult psychotic diagnosis


Thomas Richardson looks at a recent prospective cohort study in the British Journal of Psychiatry on adolescent cannabis use, baseline prodromal symptoms and the risk of psychosis.

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Family therapy for adolescent self-harm: SHIFT trial says it doesn’t reduce hospital visits and isn’t cost-effective


Udita Iyengar and Dennis Ougrin consider the findings of the SHIFT trial, which explored the effectiveness of systemic family therapy versus treatment as usual for young people after self-harm.

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Adolescent friendships predict later resilient functioning


Simon Brett looks at a recent study in Psychological Medicine which suggests that adolescent friendships predict later resilient functioning across psychosocial domains in a healthy community cohort, whereas family support does not predict later resilience.

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The prevalence of digital self-harm among adolescents


Alexander Foster and Tatiana Salisbury publish their debut blog on a recent study of digital self-harm in adolescents. In case you’re wondering, digital self-harm is the anonymous online posting, sending or sharing of hurtful content about oneself.

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Depression in fathers affects children as much as depression in mothers


Jennifer Burgess writes her debut elf blog on evidence from two population-based cohorts of the association between depression in fathers and their adolescent children.

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Fitness to practice: exercise for depression in adolescents


Dave Steele warms up for the winter triathlon season by reading a new systematic review on the effect of exercise on depressive symptoms in adolescents.

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Is cCBT doing it for the kids, but not the adults?


Karina Lovell appraises the first UK RCT of computerised cognitive behavioural therapy (cCBT) for depression in children and young people, which shows a clinically meaningful improvement in depression and anxiety.

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Risk factors for self-injurious behaviour in adolescents with ASD


Self-injurious behaviour can have significant consequences for individuals, their families and carers.

Here, Rachel Allen looks at a study, which focused in particular on adolescents, and considered that the severity of autism symptoms were related to the incidence of self injurious behaviour during adolescence.

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Study suggest 84% survival of composite filings in children and adolescents after eight years

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The aim of this study was to assess the durability of Class I and class II composite resin restorations (CRR) in children and adolescents placed in Public Dental Health Service (PDHS ) clinics. The was a prospective study all children and adolescents up to 18 years treated between November 1998 and December 2002 in all [read the full story…]