Is third-wave CBT good value?


Chris Sampson summarises a systematic review on the economic impact of third-wave cognitive behavioural therapies, such as mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, extended behavioural activation, dialectical behaviour therapy, and mindfulness-based stress reduction.

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Third wave CBT for psychosis: how reliable is current evidence?


Keith Laws explores a recent meta-analysis of third wave CBT for psychosis, which suggests we need better evidence about the safety and efficacy of mindfulness, acceptance-based therapy, compassion-focused therapy and other third wave approaches.

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Third wave psychotherapies for depression and anxiety in older people


Sarah McDonald is left feeling frustrated by this meta-analysis of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy for depression and anxiety in older people.

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CBT for Autism Spectrum Disorders and comorbid mental illness


Alix Dixon presents a recent systematic review on the effectiveness of CBT for autism spectrum disorders and comorbid anxiety or depression.

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Psychotherapies for adult depression: the things we know we know, and those we know we don’t


Patrick Kennedy-Williams highlights a recent opinion piece by Pim Cuijpers, which summarises what we know and what we don’t know about the efficacy of psychotherapies for adult depression.

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Can we train for resilience to future adversity?


Martin Stevens finds some paradoxes in a systematic review on resilience and interventions to strengthen individuals against future adversity.

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Be Mindful of the Gap: What we know about ‘third wave’ cognitive behavioural therapies compared to other psychological therapies


Breathe. Hold in your mind your view of what constitutes the most effective psychological therapy for acute depression. Try not to identify with your favourite therapy but simply observe it and let it be. Wish it well. And breathe again. This was not the approach of the Cochrane Depression, Anxiety and Neurosis Group when it [read the full story…]

ACT training reduces staff stress but further research needed


Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT – pronounced as the word rather than the initials) is based on the notion that it is important to accept what is out of your personal control but commit to action to improve and enrich your life. ACT is an approach which sets out to teach psychological skills to deal [read the full story…]