Results: 37

For: social care workforce

Social work students and evidence-based practice


Mike Clark investigates a US study into social work student use of research for evidence-based practice and wonders if the findings would apply to the UK.

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Reflections on Reimagining Social Care


Sarah Carr takes a look at a new report from Research in Practice for Adults which uses evidence to reimagine social care.

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Something old, something new: Defensive practice in social work


Jill Manthorpe examines a study on social work student perspectives on defensive practice and finds that fear and organisational culture play a role and that this can effect service user and family engagement.

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Dementia day programmes: how can we tell if they are effective?


Caroline Struthers looks at a study on the effectiveness of a NZ dementia day programme but wonders about the use of outcomes measures in the research.

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Care worker experiences of dementia care in nursing and residential settings


Jo Moriarty examines research on care worker experiences of supporting people with dementia in residential settings and discovers the value of relationships in a task centred working environment.

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Differences in staff attitudes toward people with intellectual disabilities in Japan and the United States


Support staff can play a key role for some people with learning disabilities in connecting people with their communities – so how much do staff attitudes impact on this and are there differences in attitudes between countries?

Here Fawn Harrad looks at a study which compared attitudes of staff in Japan and the U.S.

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The moral and emotional labour of care workers in residential homes


Jill Manthorpe discusses a case study on how the emotional and moral labour of care workers operates in residential settings.

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Fit to practice? LGBT inclusion in health and social care education and accreditation


Sarah Carr explores a study on the inclusion of LGBT issues in health and social care education and accreditation and finds worrying marginalisation.

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Are lean service improvements beneficial to community learning disability teams?

This study perhaps asks more questions than it answers. What's your experience? Please share your thoughts in the comments below.

Lean working has been described as ‘working smarter not harder’.

Here Russell Woolgar looks at an evaluation of a pilot project, which introduced this approach into a community learning disability team.

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The effects of emotional labour in social work practice


Jo Moriarty explores a Danish study on emotional labour and social work and discovers how social workers manage their emotional responses in practice.

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