Results: 20

For: social care decision making

Social work students and evidence-based practice


Mike Clark investigates a US study into social work student use of research for evidence-based practice and wonders if the findings would apply to the UK.

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Decision making among male carers of people with dementia


Jeanne Carlin explores a study on decision making in male carers of people with dementia and reflects on her own experiences in interpreting the findings.

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E-markets and micros: evidence for the future of social care?


Sarah Carr takes an unusual step of appraising a ‘think tank’ research report on e-marketplaces for social care and discusses the work in relation to the broader context of evidence-based policy.

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Case management for dementia: The jury’s (still) out.


Caroline Struthers comes to grips with a Cochrane Review on case management for people with dementia and finds relevant messages for both practitioners and researchers.

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Can telecare be cost effective and improve quality of life?


Clarissa Giebel tackles a randomised controlled trial (RCT) of telecare assistive technology and examines the findings on cost effectiveness and quality of life.

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QVC or CQC? How people make choices about social care


Martin Webber takes on a systematic review about choice and decision-making in health and social care by people with disabilities and long term conditions and, among other things, finds relevant evidence for personalisation and inspection.

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'The terrible maze': Dementia carers' experiences of health and social care


Social care super-blogger Ermintrude considers a study about dementia carers’ experience of the health and social care system and reflects on what it means for current dementia policy.

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How do health and social care leaders respond to user involvement?


Service user researcher and consultant, Gerry Bennison presents his first Social Care Elf blog. In it he critically discusses the findings of a study looking at how leaders in health and social care are responding to service user involvement.

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Advance care planning for people with advanced dementia

It's important that practitioners don't let dementia get in the way of other health problems, such as depression or anxiety. 

Clarissa Giebel, Researcher and PhD student at the University of Manchester, writes her debut Elf blog on a qualitative study about the experiences of advance care planning amongst family caregivers of people with advanced dementia.

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What do rights and choice in social care mean for people with learning disabilities?


In his debut Social Care Elf blog, Mike Clark, of the NIHR School for Social Care Research, London School for Economics, reflects on a conceptual study looking at the human rights of people with learning disabilities in an era of ‘choice’.

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