Person centred planning was placed at the heart of policy for services to people with learning disabilities in the 2001 White Paper, Valuing People. This approach to planning has been developed into a broader approach to personalisation throughout the system. One of the tools developed to help is the ‘one page profile’.
Often there is a huge amount of information amassed about a person in receipt of services but a one-page profile can capture the important information about a person on a single sheet of paper. The profiles will include what is important to the person, what people appreciate about them, and how they want to be supported.
In the short time since they have been developed, there have been a significant number of organisations that have seen the value and power of the tool to empower people.
Helen Sanderson Associates and The Learning Community for Person-Centred Practices have recently created a website where people who are using the profiles are sharing their stories.
The site shares 100 stories of how people have used profiles to change their lives. There is also a template and help for you to create your own.
100 One Page Profiles and their stories; from birth to end of life
“100 ‘One Page Profiles’ and their stories” #rnld #pcp http://t.co/L7bgZQGqIT