Personal health budgets will be rolled out to thousands more people across England over the next 18 months. The scheme, which allows patients to choose between standard NHS community care or a budget to spend on services and goods of their choice, has been extensively piloted over the last 3 years and has generally been [read the full story…]
Results: 26
For: personal budgets and direct paymentsCan joint personal budgets help bridge the gap between health and social care provision?
This new briefing from the NHS Confederation introduces joint personal budgets for health and social care. It gives the context behind their development, explains how they might work and lists some of the issues that need to be considered before they could be used at scale. Delivering integrated care is obviously hugely beneficial to the [read the full story…]
Personalisation and personal budgets can support recovery and transform mental health services, according to new report
This new briefing paper from the NHS Confederation and the Centre for Mental Health looks at the impact that personalisation and recovery are having on mental health services in England. The first part of this paper describes personalisation, personal budgets and personal health budgets. The second sets out their shared philosophy and discusses what the [read the full story…]
Individualised service funds for people with learning disabilities have improved quality and reduced costs
This report from Choice Support seeks to explain the process used to break down existing block contracts and to create more personalised and individually funded alternatives. The work was done by Choice Support in partnership with Southwark Social Services. The aim of the project was two-fold. Firstly to bring about improvements in quality, and secondly, [read the full story…]
Personal health budgets: the views of service users and carers
The NHS Confederation have published a 20-page report that examines the views of mental health service users and carers on personal health budgets. Personal health budgets are defined as the allocation of NHS funding which patients/ service users, after an assessment, are able to personally control and use for the services they choose to support [read the full story…]
Low incomes families finding it difficult to make ends meet, according to new report from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation
This report presents the 2011 update of the Minimum Income Standard (MIS), originally published in 2008. The standard is based on research into the items that members of the public, informed where relevant by expert knowledge, think should be covered by a household budget in order to achieve a minimum socially acceptable standard of living. [read the full story…]