Social work and acquired brain injury: could this be the start of something new?

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Mark Holloway considers a scoping review of the social work‐generated evidence base on people with traumatic brain injury (TBI) of working age.

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From charity to social enterprise: a case study highlights challenges in adopting self-directed support policy

What are the impacts when a third-sector organisation providing social care services moves toward an open and competitive market?

Jenny Fisher considers the perspectives of staff, managers and service users of a Scottish social care charitable organisation for children with complex needs, which faces funding and organisational change, brought about by self-directed support legislation.

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The benefits and challenges of involving older people in health and social care research: a systematic review

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Caroline Struthers considers a systematic review about the impacts of older people’s patient and public involvement in health and social care research.

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Social care research and mental health: what lessons can be shared on #WorldMentalHealthDay2018?

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Mike Clark considers what the fields of social care research and mental heatlh have to share and learn from one-another on #WorldMentalHealthDay.

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An equal exchange? Practitioners’ accounts of social care assessment under the Care Act

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Tanya Moore considers a qualitative coproduced study of English practitioners’ accounts of social care assessment practices under the Care Act 2014.

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Direct payments in residential care: ideas for implementation and some concerns about their value

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Martin Stevens considers the low uptake of direct payments in residential care: an evaluation of the Direct Payments in Residential Care Trailblazers.

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