UK norms for dental anxiety


The 2009 adult dental survey conducted in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland was the 5th decennial survey undertaken in the UK.    It was based on a two-stage cluster sample and of 12,054 eligible households  7,233 participated.  Of the 13,509 adults in these households 11,382 participated (84%). The survey consisted of a clinical examination and a [read the full story…]

Small trial suggests a potential benefit for combination of triamcinolone acetonide and salvianolic acid B for Oral submucous fibrosis patients

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Oral submucous fibrosis (OSF) is characterized by chronic inflammation and progressive subepithelial connective tissue fibrosis. This can involve the oral cavity, pharynx and upper third of the oesphagus. It is more commonly found in patients in the Asian subcontinent and the Far East.  The aetiology is considered to be multi-factorial with areca nut chewing, nutritional [read the full story…]

Evidence-based guidelines for cone beam CT for dental and maxillofacial radiology

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Last year evidence-based guidelines for cone beam CT  (CBCT) were published as part of the SEDENTEXCT project.  The guideline is an extensive document that covers many aspect of this developing area.  The guideline is based on an extensive review of the available literature and the following categories were considered:- Radiation dose and risk Justification for [read the full story…]

Latest critical summaries from the American Dental Association Center for Evidence-based Dentistry


Two new critical summaries are now available from the ADA-EBD website. First is a summary of a 2012 systematic review by Zandbergen et al that looked the systemic administration of amoxicillin and metronidazole as an adjunct to scaling and root planning (Dental Elf 25th May 2012). The review notes that there was no comparison in [read the full story…]

Review of in-vitro studies shows greater fracture resistance for cast posts

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Endodontically treated teeth (ETT) are considered to be more brittle and subject to fracture. Posts are frequently used to restore ETT and use of the appropriate post material is considered important to a successful restoration.  The aim of this review of in-vitro studies was to compare the fracture load of ETT restored with cast of [read the full story…]

Review shows that tranexamic acid reduced blood loss in orthognathic surgery


Significant blood loss can occur during orthognathic surgery and there are risks associated with blood transfusion so minimizing blood loss during surgery is important.  A large number of trials and reviews have shown that the antifibrinolytic agent tranexamic acid ( a synthetic amino acid lysine analog )  can effectively reduce bleeding in a number of [read the full story…]