Oral health problems in elite athletes


A systematic review identified 39 observational studies looking at oral health problems in elite athletes. The quality of the studies was low and there may be some concerns about unrepresentative sampling. It suggests that oral health problems are common in this group. This consensus statement highlights these problems and makes recommendation for the future oral health of athletes and to research in this area.

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Study suggests that regular dental checks between 50-65yrs reduced major tooth loss


Regular dental examinations are considered an important element of preventive dental care. The aim of this cohort study was to assess the impact of routine dental attendance between the ages of 50 – 65 in relation to major tooth loss and Oral Health related Quality of life (OHRQoL) In 1992 all 50-year-olds in two Swedish [read the full story…]

Small trial finds caries prevention potential in new silver fluoride agent


Dental caries is one of the commonest diseases of childhood and management is particularly challenging in underprivileged populations. In recent years there has been increasing interest in silver diamine fluoride. However, it tendency to stain carious tissue black and potential to cause oral mucosal lesions limit its potential use. Nano Silver Fluoride ® (NSF), a [read the full story…]

Insufficient evidence that probiotics can prevent caries, but they can reduce the mutans streptococci counts in the short term


Probiotics have been used in the management of a wide range of conditions and have been shown to have a beneficial effect in gastrointestinal disease for example. A potential role in the prevention of caries has been suggested and the aim of this review was to evaluate the caries preventive effect of probiotics. Searches were [read the full story…]

Review suggests lower complication rates with 3D miniplate fixation of mandibular angle fractures compared with standard miniplates


Mandibular fractures are relatively common and about 12-40% involve the mandibular angle. The use of three-dimensional (3D) strut plates is increasingly being suggested as an alternative to conventional miniplates. The aim of this review was to assess whether there was a difference in clinical outcomes between standard and 3D miniplates in the management of mandibular [read the full story…]

Orthodontic retention – cost analysis of three different appliances

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The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the costs for the three orthodontic retention methods using a cost-minimisation analysis (CMA). The cost analysis was based on previous randomised controlled trial data (Dental Elf 22nd Jan 2013). Patients were randomised into 3 groups with retention appliances being placed within 1 hour of debonding.  [read the full story…]

The number, location and distribution of 
the teeth affect chewing ability in older adults


Tooth loss tends to increase with age as a result of caries and periodontal disease.  In 1992 the World Health Organisation indicated that the treatment goal for oral health should be the maintenance of a functional, aesthetic dentition of at least 20 teeth.   The aim of this review was to assess the relationship dentition status [read the full story…]

Review suggests that motivational interviewing may have potential for improving oral health


Good oral health can be achieved and maintained by compliance with preventive and curative measures and effective self-care. However, adherence to positive behaviours such as toothbrushing, interdental cleaning, smoking cessation and good dietary habits can be variable.  Traditional approaches of patient education revolve around disseminating information and normative advice.  Increasingly the use of motivational interviewing [read the full story…]

Gold crowns had better survival rates than ceramic full-coverage crowns after 5 years


The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical outcome of shrinkage-free ZrSiO4-ceramic full- coverage crowns on premolars and molars in comparison with conventional gold crowns over a 5-year period. Invited patents who required posterior crowns were randomised to receive either a shrinkage-free ZrSiO4-ceramic crown (test group) or a gold crown (control group). The [read the full story…]